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Judiciary Holds Third Ben Kiwanuka Memorial Lecture
Participants at the Third Bendicto Kiwanuka Lecture at the Judiciary High Court

The Judiciary held the 3rd annual Benedicto Kiwanuka Memorial Day coinciding with the date when the former Chief Justice was last seen alive 48 years ago.

The memorial, which was held at the Judiciary headquarters grounds, was under the theme; "Promoting rule of law in the new normal" was presided over by the Chief Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny Dollo.

The late Chief Justice Kiwanuka's family select senior officials from the Judiciary and the Central Government also graced the scientific event that was streamed live on Facebook, Twitter, Zoom and other online platforms. 

"We commemorate Kiwanuka in recognition of the role he played in the independence politics of Uganda and as a person who believed in the importance of having a country run on the basis of a democratic dispensation, ideals for which he was detained without trial," Chief Justice Owiny-Dollo said.

The CJ used the same function to point out the challenges faced by the Arm of State. "...the leadership of the Judiciary has repeatedly cited, as an example, the Commercial Division of the High Court alone with cases valued at over three trillion shillings locked up for years by reason of the fact that court is lamentably staffed by only six judges."

Further, he said the decentralization that includes splitting of districts and counties should not only focus on political and administrative services because as such, the process is incomplete when the courts of law are not included in such decision-making policies.

He explained that because of splitting districts into many counties, the Judiciary still has 40 Chief Magistrate's courts that are vacant across the country, which affects an ordinary person from getting justice.

Uganda currently has some 135 districts with a population of about 45 million people compared to 57 judges who are distributed in various High Court circuits to dispense justice to the citizens.

The keynote speaker at this year's Memorial was Dr Busingye Kabumba, a senior lecturer at the School of Law, Makerere University.

Dr Kabumba's keynote lecture was themed, "Black Laws Matter" inspired by the 'Black Lives Matter Movement.' He advocated for the Africanisation of the law for better delivery of justice.

Dr Kabumba called upon the Judiciary to consider the ordinary person when they are dispensing justice.He argued that ordinary citizens who are the majority need to be reflected or considered in a number of decisions they make so that they are not left behind.

The Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Richard Buteera, who was the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee said the commemoration of the life and achievements of Benedicto Kiwanuka was to challenge all judicial officers in regards to their contribution in the administration of justice and national development. "It calls upon each one of us to reflect on what we have done and what more we can do, in the quest for a stronger and independent Judiciary that is capable of contributing to National Transformation particularly during this COVID 19 pandemic or in other words the 'new normal'.

In remarks delivered by the Deputy Solicitor General, Mr Christopher Gashirabake, the Minister of Justice and Constitutional affairs, Hon. Ephraim Kamuntu, recognized Ben Kiwanuka as a historical icon for the rule of law worldwide. "Benedicto Kiwanuka remains an icon for rule of Law in world history because his life was short lived in the quest for justice and rule of law," the speech read in part.

The Principal Judge, Hon.Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, described the late Bendicto Kiwanuka as a firm and resilient Chief Justice whose quest for justice, rule of Law, independence of the judiciary and constitutionalism led to his martyrdom. He thus called upon all court officers to emulate his courage. "My fellow judicial officers, I urge you to remain firm and resilient on those ideals, as this is the best way we can keep the legacy of the late Benedicto Kiwanuka alive especially in the face of the new normal," he said.

Adding: "We should a tall times observe the judicial oath, the judicial code of conduct and practice the principles of natural justice and fairness." He also called for adoption of new ways and information technology in all aspects of dispensation of justice. 

Ms Pheona Wall,the new President of the Uganda Law Society described Ben Kiwanuka as a worthy statesman who upheld the principles of equality and justice for all without fear or favor.

At the same memorial,Deputy Chief Justice Emeritus, Hon. Lady Justice Alice Mpagi Bahegeine, wasawarded the Benedicto Kiwanuka Award for her illustrious 41-year career in the Judiciary.

Posted 21st, September 2020
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